Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tiers and Rules

Welcome Back
Sometimes you gotta let them know...

Now that we got the fundamentals and how to breed/train a Pokemon out of the way, it’s time to get into the basics of competitive battling. For this post I’ll being going over the tiers and extra rules in competitive battling.

*Note, this doesn’t have to imply in a Pokemon X & Y Wi-Fi battle, this is more for Pokemon Showdown, but nonetheless this is good information to have.

To keep balance in the competitive battling universe, people in the battling community have created tiers, grouping of Pokemon based on stats and usage, to make sure battles aren’t lopsided. The better the Pokemon the higher they’ll be up in the tiers. Right now there are three main tiers.

Mega Lucario, Ubers
·       Ubers – Allowed to use any Pokemon
·       Over Used (OU) – Majority of the Pokemon, excluding some legendaries and some overwhelming Pokemon due to their stats, move pool, or ability
·       Under Used (UU) – Any Pokemon that isn’t used enough to be considered OU
o   UU is my favorite tier because there’s not as much BS in this tier, but it does have its fair share, and plus a lot of my favorite Pokemon are in this tier.
Togekiss, OU
Umbreon, UU
Here’s a list of Pokemon and their tiers:

*Note: Pokemon in lower tiers CAN be used in higher tiers, but Pokemon in higher tiers CAN’T be used in lower tier. Meaning, Pokemon in UU can be used in OU, but not the other way around.
There are other tiers like Rarely Used (RU), Never Used (NU), and Little Cup (LC), but I will not be addressing them because they’re not complete or I don’t care for them.

Wi-Fi battles in Pokemon X & Y don’t typical have a set tier format like Pokemon Showdown, unless the two trainers agree upon one. When looking for a random battle you’ll usually run into OU teams and the occasional Ubers team.

·       Joining a Community Group on a place like Facebook or some kind of Gaming Forum is a good way to have battles with people, so you can agree on terms.
o   A Community Group is where trainers can meet other trainers by exchanging their Friend Code to battle, trade, and do other shenanigans in game.

Rules for Competitive Battling
Competitive battling follows the same concept of a regular battle you’d experience in a regular play through of the game, but with a lot more strategizing (which we’ll get into in a later part) and some more rules (referred to as Clauses).

·       Like with the tiers, some people in random Wi-Fi battles in Pokemon X & Y will not follow these clauses. These clauses aren’t set in the game, so it’s solely up to the trainers if they want to enforce them or not. For the most part people are good about following the clauses, but there are those people who don’t care.
o   If a trainer does break a clause that player would normally be disqualified, but in a Wi-Fi battle you can either deal with the rule breaker or leave.

Important Clauses
·       Sleep Clause – Two or more Pokemon can’t be put to sleep on the same team
·       Species Clause – Two or more of the same Pokemon can’t be used on the same team
·       Evasion Clause – Moves that can increase a Pokemon’s evasion aren’t allowed
o   Moves like Double Team and Minimize
·       OHKO Clause – Moves that One-Hit KO, instant faints, a Pokemon aren’t allowed
Fissure specifically OHKO, so it's not allowed
o   This doesn’t mean you can’t OHKO a Pokemon, you just can’t use moves that specifically OHKO a Pokemon
You can check out these clauses and other clauses here

Wrapping It Up
This post is shorter than usual but the next topic of discussion will be roles for the Pokemon. Yes, I know, finally! I would have added it to this post, but the roles alone are good enough for one post, since there are so many. Until next time.
That Outkast reference tho

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