Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thoughts on Competitive Battling

Now that you’re essentially a Pokemon Master I want to take the time out to discuss my thoughts on Competitive Battling. I’ve had my ups and downs with battling, so I want to see how much other people can relate to me.
Gen 3 remakes tho?

That’s that Ish I Don’t Like
My number one pet peeve (and I’m sure it’s others’) is how unoriginal most teams are. People tend to use the strongest, most overused Pokemon in the game. There are only so many Aegislashs, Talonflames, and Rotom-Washes I can see before I start to lose it. Originality is a huge problem in competitive battling (and mostly every other online game), but what can you do about it? People want to win and they’ll do anything to do it. Just look at this picture...

It’s nice to win when and all, but are these people having fun? I could use one of those teams and probably win more than I do now, but I simply can’t bring myself to do that. When I’m building a team I like to use primarily Pokemon I used playing through the story mode, then add on from there. I’m not saying you have to do the same thing as me, but at least try to make the team personal.
This is the kind of love trainers should have with their Pokemon

But After all, it is Competitive Battling
I enjoy a good competition ever now and again, but sometimes I just want to have fun. I make teams that would be fun to use in a battle but stand no chance against anyone taking the battle serious. I wish there was a place where people could battle and not care about wins or losses (but actually thinking that would be possible is kind of crazy because I’m sure everyone loves to win).
I could always use my fun teams outside of competitive battling, in story mode, but where’s the fun in that? I want a challenge, but I don’t want to battle someone with a standard team (in whatever tier they may be in). And this is a problem I have with other games, more specifically Call of Duty, where I want to try different things but I can’t because everyone is using the most overused things in the game. This caused me to step away from Call of Duty, and more recently Pokemon Competitive Battling.
Oh, how true this image

Some Advice
If there’s one thing MisterFantasmo has taught me, it’s always have fun. I haven’t been having fun battling competitively lately, so I decided to step away and give it a break. The reason for me stepping away started when Smogon gave multiple Pokemon I used the Ban Hammer in their respected tiers (in Pokemon Showdown); this threw off the synergy for my teams and caused me a great deal of anger because my teams were now terrible. The reason that really caused me to turn away is the unoriginality with a lot of people’s teams. I’m not going to lie; competitive battling has legitimately made me angry, and I’m a person who doesn’t typically get angry.
MisterFantasmo, aka Andre

My advice would be if you’re not having fun step away from the game; and the great thing about this advice is it can be applied to many things. The odds of doing better angry are low, so it would be more beneficial to come back when your mind is clear. I don’t know when I’ll come back to competitive battling, probably when Mega Lucario gets unbanned from Ubers (Highly Unlikely), but I hope my information has been helpful.

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