Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Know Your Role

Know Your Role
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We’ve come pretty far in this journey, but now it’s time to get into the good stuff. In this part I’ll be explaining the different roles Pokemon can play and giving an example. Just remember, my examples aren’t the only way to use a Pokemon.
It's about Natures, and those are similar to stats

Stat Breakdown (Key):
Hp – Hit Points
Atk – Attack
Def – Defense
Sp. Atk – Special Attack
Sp. Def – Special Defense
Spe – Speed

Physical Sweeper (Attackers)
Physical Sweepers have a High Attack Stat, and will either be categorized as “Fast” or “Bulky.”
·       Fast Physical Sweepers
o   Max EVs in Spe and Atk with a nature that boosts either one of those stats, but takes away from Sp. Atk.
§  Faster (Jolly)
§  Stronger (Adamant)
o   Items to consider using…
§  Choice Band/Scarf
§  Life Orb
§  Expert Belt
o   An example of a (my favorite) Fast Physical Sweeper…
§  Mega Lucario (Fighting/Steel)
Item: Lucarionite
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Ability: Adaptability
Moves: Close Combat
             Bullet Punch

·       Bulky Physical Sweepers
o   Typically have decent Def, so you want max EVs in Atk and HP
§  Adamant nature is better because Spe isn’t as important
o   Items to consider using…
§  Choice Band
§  Life Orb
§  Leftovers
o   An example of a Bulky Physical Sweeper…
§  Swampert (Water/Ground)
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Waterfall
             Ice Punch
             Power-Up Punch

Special Sweepers (Attackers)
Same concept as Physical Sweepers, but with High Special Attack Stat instead of Atk.
·       Fast Special Sweepers
o   Max EVs in Spe and Sp. Atk with a nature that boosts either one of those stats, but takes away from Atk.
§  Faster (Timid)
§  Stronger (Modest)
o   Items to consider using…
§  Choice Specs/Scarf
§  Life Orb
§  Expert Belt
o   An example of a (my favorite) Fast Special Sweeper…
§  Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)
Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Sp. Def/ 252 Spe
Ability: Serene Grace
Moves: Dazzling Gleam
             Air Slash
             Aura Sphere

·       Bulky Special Sweepers
o   Typically have decent Sp. Def, so you want max EVs in Sp. Atk and HP
§  Modest nature is better because Spe isn’t as important
Turrable Quality
o   Items to consider using…
§  Choice Specs
§  Life Orb
§  Leftovers
§  Assault Vest
o   An example of a (my favorite) Bulky Special Sweeper…
§  Roserade (Grass/Poison)
Item: Assault Vest
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Sp. Def
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Giga Drain
             Sludge Bomb
             Hidden Power Fire

A Wall’s job is to take hits.
Physical Walls focus on Def and Special Walls focus on Sp. Def
·       They will have a high Def/Sp. Def stat and a high to decent HP stat
·       Max EVs in HP and Def/Sp. Def
o   Calm, Bold, Impish, and Careful are all natures that benefit Def/Sp. Def and lower Atk/Sp. Atk (Increase the Defense you want to focus and decrease the Attack stat you don’t need)
o   Items to consider using…
§  Leftovers
§  Assault Vest
o   An example of a Special Wall…
§  Umbreon (Dark)
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Careful
EVs: 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Sp. Def
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Heal Bell
             Foul Play

Tanks - Physical/Speical
Are like walls, they can take hits, but they can also do some damage.
Physical Tanks focus on Def and Special Tanks focus on Sp. Def
·       They will have a high Def/Sp. Def stat, and a high to decent HP and Atk/Sp. Atk stat
·       Max EVs in Def/Sp. Def with some in HP and some in Atk/Sp. Atk
o   Calm, Bold, Impish, and Careful are all natures that benefit Def/Sp. Def and lower Atk/Sp. Atk (Increase the Defense you want to focus and decrease the Attack stat you don’t need)
o   Items to consider using…
Mudkip tho
§  Leftovers
§  Assault Vest
o   An example of a Physical Tank…
§  Swampert (Water/Ground)
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Impish
EVs: 196 HP/ 60 Atk/ 252 Def
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Waterfall
             Stealth Rock

These Pokemon are typically Walls; a lot of HP and Def/Sp. Def. These Pokemon can heal other members of your team. Healers use moves like Wish (two turn move that heals equivalent of half or the wishing Pokemon) and Heal Bell/Aromatherapy (gets rid of the whole team’s Status Conditions).
·       Item to consider…
o   Leftovers
·       My example of Umbreon is also an example of a Healer
Even Gary Oak uses an Umbreon

These Pokemon too are typically Walls; a lot of HP and Def/Sp. Def. Stallers are Pokemon that can inflict a status like Burn or Poison, use Protect (protects user for one turn) and can regenerate HP long enough until the opposing Pokemon faints.
·       This is, to me and possibly others, kind of cheap but it works. A good stop to this tactic is a Pokemon with Taunt (taunted Pokemon can’t use non-attacking moves).
·       Item to consider…
o   Leftovers
·       My example of Umbreon if you replace Heal Bell with Toxic is also an example of a Staller
It would be a shame if you were to get stalled out

These can be mixed with other Roles. This role is for Pokemon that put up Entry Hazards. Getting up Entry Hazards can change the pace of a game, because if you get a Pokemon to low enough HP they will faint upon entering. Roar (randomly switches opponent’s Pokemon) is a good move to use alongside Entry Hazards because you can keep dealing that damage. 
List of Entry Hazards… (Click here for details)
·       Stealth Rock
·       Sticky Web
·       Spikes/Toxic Spikes
o   My example of Swampert (Tank) is an example of a Pokemon that can get up Hazards

Spinners (Defoggers)
These can be mixed with other Roles as well. Spinners are Pokemon that use Rapid Spin to get Hazards off the Trainer’s side of the field, and Defoggers are Pokemon that use Defog to get Hazards off both sides of the field.
·       Rapid Spin
·       Defog
o   An example of a Defogger (Also a Fast Special Sweeper)…
§  Latias (Dragon/Psychic)
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Sp. Def/ 252 Spe
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Dragon Pulse

Until Next Time
These are some of the big name roles that I know, there are plenty others so feel free to check out the link I posted up top. Also I may not be 100% accurate with the descriptions; I’m mostly going off of what I know and some research. 

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