Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Breeding the Perfect One

Breeding the Perfect One
Last time we wrapped up the basics, and if I missed something I’ve failed as a Trainer. This time we’ll be getting more in depth with the Pokemon, like with breeding, EVs and IVs, and how they play a role in competitive battling.
Be sure to check out the list of Pokemon
I'll just let this sink in

Effort Values and Individual Values (EVs and IVs)
·       Effort Values – Additional points that are used to improve any of a Pokemon’s given stat
o   A Pokemon can have up to 510 EVs and up to 252 EVs in any one stat
o   For every 4 EVs the Pokemon gains a stat increase
o   EVs are gained through battling Pokemon or using Super Training
o   EVs can be checked via the Super Training
o   EVs CAN be reset by using the Reset Bag in Super Training
·       Individual Values – The stats a Pokemon is born with
o   A Pokemon can have up to 31 IVs (Perfect IVs) in any one stat
o   The higher the IVs the higher the stat, and the lower the IVs the lower the stat
§  Ex: A Lv. 100 Gardevoir with 31 IVs in Atk would have a 149 Atk stat, but if it had 0 IVs in Atk it would have a 121 Atk stat
o   IVs CAN’T be reset
o   Breeding gives the most control over IVs
o   IVs can be checked in game via the IV checker, Ace Trainer, in Kiloude City’s Pokemon Center
o   IVs determine the type for the move Hidden Power
Pokemon that haven’t been properly EV Trained and don’t have Perfect IVs fall short to Pokemon who are.

In Pokemon X & Y if you want to battle competitively you’re going to have to breed your own Pokemon, and it can be very time consuming.

What is breeding?
Breeding is exactly what it sounds like, it’s making a baby. In Pokemon, breeding is far superior than catching a Pokemon in the wild because breeding gives the trainer a lot more control of how the Pokemon will come out. A wild Pokemon is all RNG* (Random Number Generator) so the stats, ability, of nature could be good or bad, but by breeding the trainer can pass down specific traits. With Pokemon X & Y breeding became a lot easier.
An Egg
*RNG is essentially luck, but in a techy sense because it’s data

Breeding as I know it
To breed a, what can be known as, Flawless Pokemon you’ll need the nature you want on a Pokemon, the ability you want on a Pokemon, and perfect IVs in every stat (maybe except the stat the nature lowers). Also, all Pokemon come from eggs.

To get an Egg you’ll need to place two Pokemon in the Day Care. Every Pokemon can’t breed with one another. You need a male and a female Pokemon from the same Egg Group. Not all Pokemon can breed. Pokemon from the Undiscovered Egg Group can’t breed, and that includes Legendaries and baby Pokemon. Ditto is the one Pokemon that can breed with all other compatible Pokemon. Once you have the Egg it will take a certain number of steps to hatch (this can be sped up with a Pokemon with the ability Magma Armor or Flame Body in your Party).
·       The offspring of two different species of Pokemon will always be from the same evolutionary chain as the female
·       The offspring of a Pokemon breeding with Ditto will always be from the evolutionary chain of the Pokemon breeding with Ditto
·       Breeding with two different species allows access to Egg Moves, moves that can’t be obtained normally by leveling up. (Check a Pokemon to see their Egg Moves)
·       The ability the offspring Pokemon will have is random
o   You can pass down Hidden Abilities (HA), though it’s still random. If you breed a male Pokemon that has a HA with Ditto you have a chance of the offspring obtaining the HA.
            Important Items for Breeding
            These items are held by the breeding Pokemon in the Day Care
Destiny Knot
·       Destiny Knot – Passes over 5 IVs from either parent to the offspring
·       Everstone – Passes the nature over from whatever parent was holding this
·       Power Items – Depending on the item, passes down a certain stat
Breeding is the only way to get a Flawless Pokemon, meaning you’ll need Perfect IVs. Instead of me explaining it here’s a video that helped me understand IV breeding.
This sums up breeding

EV Training
Once you have your Pokemon with Perfect IVs it’s time to start training , but you can’t train them on any Pokemon. Each Pokemon will give a certain amount of EVs after you defeat them, and the EV depends on the Pokemon. Ideally you want to focus on two main stats, but that doesn’t mean you have to.
·       Each Pokemon gives at least 1 EV to a certain stat, but Pokemon can give up to 3. For example, Bellsprout gives 1 EV to Atk, its evolve form Weepinbell gives 2 EVs to Atk, and lastly Victreebel gives 3 EVs.

Examples of EV Training:
Most Attackers* will EV Train their better attacking stat (physical or special) and their speed stat, and most Walls* will EV Train their better defense stat (physical or special) and their HP.
Macho Brace
*These are roles Pokemon play I’ll discuss those in a later post

       Important Factors for EV Training      
Power Bracer
·       Power Items (Same from Breeding section) – Gives +4 (Macho Brace gives +2) EVs of a certain stat to the total EVs of opposing Pokemon
·       Pokerus– Doubles the amount of EVs received
·       Horde Battles – This type of battle allows you to battle FIVE at once, speeding up theprocess
o   Hotspots to Horde Battle and a EV training guide
o   With Horde Battles, Power Items, and Pokerus a Pokemon can get a minimum of 50 EVs in a single battle
Because words can be harder to follow than sound I feel I should have a video explain how EV Training works.

Next Time

To me EVs and IVs are two of the main reasons people may be intimidated by competitive battling, but once you have that figured out battling becomes more about remembering information. With Pokemon Showdown you don’t have to breed or EV Train, but I feel that takes some emotional connection away from the Trainer and Pokemon. In the next post I want to finally start getting into the actual Competitive Battling aspect, such as the tiers, rules, and possibly the roles of Pokemon. I had a hard time with this, it took me a couple weeks to get a basic understanding, but now it’s like second nature. 

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