Time/This Time
Last time we got
through some of the basics of Competitive Pokemon Battling and this time we’ll
pretty much be doing the same thing. We’ll dive more into status conditions, go
over abilities and held items, and explain parts of a battle. Let’s get
Conditions (Cont.)
There are tons
of other status conditions, besides the ones mentioned in the last post and
these conditions can stack. The
status conditions from last time are known as non-volatile (shown with an icon in battle) and these are known as volatile. Unlike the non-volatile status conditions, these can be healed by switching out your Pokemon. I will be listing a few, but
not all, of the other status conditions. (The ones that are a big deal in
competitive battles)
Confusion last 1-4 turns and it gives the Pokemon a 50% chance of attacking. If
the Pokemon fails to attack it will hit itself.
The attack is 40 based power physical
If confusion is paired with paralysis
you get what is known as ParaFusion,
and that’s a 37.5% chance of attacking.
The flinched Pokemon is unable to attack
for that turn. This can only be done if the Pokemon attacks first.
– The
encored Pokemon is locked into the same
move for 3 turns.
– The
taunted Pokemon is not allowed to use
non-attacking moves for 3 turns.
Every Pokemon
will have one ability; some may Pokemon have access to more than one ability
but they’re only given one of them. Not every Pokemon has their own ability;
plenty of Pokemon can share the same abilities.
It is possible to change a Pokemon’s ability
with the Ability
Capsule. As of Gen V, many of the Pokemon gained access to Hidden Abilities, which are abilities
the Pokemon wouldn’t normally get. You can’t
use the Ability Capsule to unlock a Pokemon’s Hidden Ability. The main ways
to get Hidden Abilities on a Pokemon is through Friend Safaris or bring
the Pokemon over from another Generation that already has it with Pokemon Bank.
Abilities give
the power to do more damage, give an extra immunity, or affect stats; among other things. Not
only do you have worry about the type of the Pokemon, but you have to worry
about the ability a Pokemon has.
in Action
would be an example of a Pokemon who only has one ability and that ability is Levitate, which makes it immune to Ground
attacks. Bronzong
is another Pokemon that can have Levitate, but it also has access to Heatproof, halves damage from Fire-type
moves, and its Hidden Ability Heavy
Metal, doubles it weight. With Flygon you would know Ground-type
moves wouldn’t work on it. With Bronzong, a Steel-Psychic type Pokemon, Levitate takes away its Ground
weakness and Heatproof makes its Fire weakness 1x effective.
Similar to
abilities, held items are a way for Pokemon to get a boost, but unlike
abilities there are a lot more options to choose from. Here are some of the
more commonly seen items in battle…
Berries are a one-time use, unless using the ability Harvest, and they can
restore HP/Status Conditions, weaken damage, or strengthen attacks.
– Gems are a one-time use and are the type of gem corresponds to the type of
attack to boost the power of the attack by 30%.
Ex. If a Pokemon had a Fire Gem and used a Normal Attack the
gem wouldn’t activate, the Pokemon would need to use a Fire attack to gain the boost.
Items – Choice Items only allow the use of one move, but
one stat (Atk, SpAtk, or Spe) is raised by 50%
of a Battle
**Note: I will be focusing on Single
Battles, but there are other types of battles like Double, Triple, and
Rotation. This could have been one of the things I could have talked about
earlier, but I think it’s best we get the basics out of the way.
In a
quick/standard Pokemon X & Y Wi-Fi Battle
it will be 6v6 (Each Trainer uses
six Pokemon) and the maximum level will be Level
50. (Any Pokemon under that level will be brought down but Pokemon under
that level will not be brought up)
Battle are the basic style of battling, it’s One Pokemon vs. One Pokemon on the
field, and they’ve been around since Gen I
The battle begins with the Pokemon each
Trainer wants to lead with
Each turn the Trainer can choose either Fight, Pokemon, or Run.
Fight allows the Pokemon to use a move
Pokemon allows the Trainer to switch Pokemon
Run allows the Trainer to walk away from
the battle (give up)
Bag is also an option, but it does
nothing in a Competitive Battle
§ This
process will be repeated every turn until one Trainer is unable to battle (No
more Pokemon) or a Trainer Runs (gives up)
battle cannot end in a draw, even if each of the Trainer’s
last Pokemon faints on the same turn the Trainer whose Pokemon fainted first is
the loser.
Read more about
battles or the other types of battles here:
Now that the
pieces are falling together it might be time to look at raising a Pokemon. EVs/IVs play a huge role in Competitive
Battling, and can drive a person crazy. If you want to battle competitively in
Pokemon X & Y you’re going to have to breed
your own Pokemon. Sure there are other ways of getting the Perfect Pokemon, but
where’s the fun in that?
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